New Patients
The Atlas Orthogonal Difference
Atlas Orthogonal is a gentle, effective and state-of-the-art spinal correction procedure that uses percussive sound waves to correct the 1st bone of the spine - the atlas. It removes brainstem pressure, helps restore body balance and reactivates the body's natural healing ability. No manipulation (twisting or cracking) is ever employed or needed.
What You Can Expect On Your First Visit
Please allow 1 to 1 1/2 hours for your first visit. After filling out your initial paperwork, you will meet with Dr. Cannon for a consultation regarding your symptoms and health history. Next, an examination and series of orthopedic tests will be performed - range of motion, scanning palpation, muscle testing, and neurological tests may be performed.
X-rays will be taken and carefully analyzed by the doctor in order to obtain the specific angles needed for your treatment. You may be advised to return the next day to review your x-rays and receive your first atlas orthogonal treatment.
X-rays are essential - we do not guess with your health! In order to receive an atlas orthogonal adjustment, certain x-rays are needed to determine the position of the atlas bone.
If Dr. Cannon determines you are not a candidate for this type of treatment after the evaluation is performed, you will be referred to another provider that may be able to help.
The Treatment
Before your adjustment, Dr. Cannon will scan (touch) your neck at the base of the skull to feel for tenderness. Discomfort in this area may indicate that there is a misalignment of the atlas (first bone in the spine).
Next, the length of your legs will be measured. When the atlas is misaligned, it will cause a tilt in your head. Your body doesn't like this and will compensate in different areas of the spine in order to "get your head on straight". You may see that your shoulders are not level and your hips are not level which draws one leg up shorter than the other.
Dr. Cannon will prepare the instrument with your specific settings determined by your x-rays and will then instruct you to lay down on your side. You may feel a little pressure as the stylus of the instrument is carefully placed behind your ear, but the adjustment is gentle and painless.
After the adjustment, the leg lengths will be measured again in order to tell us if the atlas misalignment has been corrected. Post x-rays may be taken to verify these findings.
Will my neck be twisted and "popped/cracked"?
No. The Atlas Orthogonal technique is very gentle and safe. Over rotation (twisting) of the neck may cause injury or further misalignment of the atlas/axis.
How often do I need to get adjusted?
It depends on your case. Some patients may notice improvements within the first couple weeks of treatment. Relief of symptoms may take longer for patients that have been experiencing their pain for long periods of time.
If I'm pregnant, can I get an Atlas Orthogonal adjustment?
Yes, if you have previous/existing AO x-rays. If you do not, an AO adjustment cannot be received. Dr. Cannon can, however, provide other full spine, gentle adjusting techniques.